Single Servings Save Time & Money: Tip-of-the-Day #288

Single servings are the name of the game. Why make more of something than you're going to consume, right? Today's single serving tip is about coffee. Specifically, the nifty single serving coffee maker, known as the Melitta

Most of us only have time for one quick cup of Joe before rushing out of the house to work each morning. So why make a whole pot when 80% of it will go to waste? And, why suffer through a Starbucks Via single serving packet when you can choose your favorite beans to start your day off right? With the Melitta, all you need are some #4 coffee filters, your favorite ground beans, a mug, and access to hot water. 

It's not complicated in the least - in fact my conference call this morning was running about two minutes behind and that was plenty of time for me to whip up a cup, from prep to pour. 

You only need a couple of tablespoons to make yourself a good steaming cup - and you'll be amazed how much longer your pound of coffee lasts when you're using it sparingly. Note: I use one filter and 2-3 tablespoons of coffee for myself and a cup for my bf. Meaning, you can easily make more than one cup per setup. 

I strongly encourage you to buy one and experience the difference for yourself. I have the porcelain variety, but there's a plastic version too that's only $5.

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