Don't BUY NOW Just Yet: Tip-of-the-Day #344

Lately, I've had some time on my hands to catch up on all the television, movies, and "originals" that have been produced over the past year, and, I've become incredibly familiar with my options.

Notably, I scaled back my Comcast Xfinity subscription in favor of turning more of my attention to Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. I'm mostly covered now.

That said, I was tuning into a series today that I was previously unfamiliar with (I won't subject you to my guilty pleasures but let's just say it's trashy) and after the first free episode (oh, they hooked me alright) the option for every episode after was going to come at a cost. Specifically, $2.99 an episode or $22.99 for the season.

My finger hovered over the Buy Now button but logic stopped me just in the nick of time. First, I had to check Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon! Nothin. Gah! Again, my finger hovered over the Buy Button until I realized that the original series was created by Starz!

Lionsgate (Comcast) wants to charge $22.99 for the season, BUT, a Starz subscription only runs $12 a month! Seriously??? Given that I'm going to crush this series in two days, I subscribed to Starz knowing full on well that I can cancel before I'm hit with a second billing cycle. I saved myself $11!

Mostly, this post is simply to serve as a reminder that we now have sooooo many options available to us that there's never a reason to pay a premium unless that is the ONLY OPTION, which, in this case, it wasn't.

If you have 30 seconds to check your options, you can save yourself some dough. $11 here, $11 there... pretty soon you'll save yourself a tidy nest egg for your future! Or, at least your next night on the town. Cheers! 

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