Internet Access Via Personal Hotspot: Tip-of-the-Day #296

I can't possibly be the last person on earth to discover the benefits of using one's phone as a personal hotspot. Am I?

Two failed attempts to get a wifi extender to work in my 1500 sq foot condo and now I'm using my phone's hotspot to connect to the internet in the one section of my house where I'm unable to get a signal on my laptop. My bedroom.

There are some days I just want to sit in bed and answer email. Not get up and move to the dining room. And so, I now share my iphone's internet connection and am free to work from a prone position.

That said, it's important to call your mobile service provider before engaging in this activity because if you're like me and you have a 2GB data plan, you can use that up in the blink of an eye streaming a movie on Netflix. If you're just checking email, shopping online, and reading this blog, then you can do that from the comfort of your hotspot and be happy as a clam.

Hard to believe that it took me this long to figure this one out, but I'm guessing I'm not the only one. So, if you have a phone and a data plan, you too can use your phone to connect your computer to the internet. On an iPhone 5 you just go to "Utilities", then "Settings", then "Personal hotspot". Turn it "On" and use the wifi password provided to you to connect. Easy peasy.

You're welcome.

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