Read a Book Via Email!: Tip-of-the-Day #116

TAKE A FEW MINUTES EACH DAY TO READ - FOR FREE! has changed the way people read books, by emailing them in easy-to-digest installments. They currently offer over 1000 classic and contemporary books, available entirely for free or on a Pay-Per-Read basis (with sample installments available for free).

I'd been considering buying a Kindle, but I can't sit at my desk with a Kindle in hand, boldly reading instead of working, now can I? Dailylit books can be read in installments wherever you receive e-mail/RSS feeds, including on your Blackberry and iPhone! Your installments arrive in your Inbox (according to the schedule you set, e.g. 7:00 am every weekday) and each installment can be consumed in under 5 minutes. If you find yourself with more time to read, you can receive additional installments immediately on demand--like TV only better for your brain!

Their selection includes bestselling and award winning titles, from literary fiction and romance to language learning and science fiction. DailyLit also features forums where you can discuss your favorite books and authors. There's even a gift service, where you can send books to friends, with installments starting on any date you choose! (Perfect for last minute gifts).

Just go to then:
1. Find a book you want to read
2. Enter your email address
3. Click subscribe and you're done!

I just registered in under a minute and set up my first installment of Seth Godin’s “Unleashing the Ideavirus.” Can’t wait to start reading instead of working! ;)

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