Stain Remover Extraordinaire: Tip-of-the-Day #340

I've tried just about every stain remover on the market - from Shout, to Resolve, to Tide To Go and Wine Away. Resolve did a fairly decent job on carpet stains only, Shout worked its magic on clothing, Wine Away was hit or miss on furniture and clothing, etc. I couldn't find one solution that works universally across materials. That is, until I was introduced to Folex.

Folex is different/better than any stain remover I have ever come across. I have been able to *safely* remove spots and stains from colorfast carpet, rugs, upholstery, and clothing, without excessive scrubbing or washing with water afterward. This product removes virtually any stain, from practically any surface or material.

I primarily use Folex on my rugs and furniture because I have cats and often times it's vomit, the occasional accident outside of the litter box, food spill, etc. Just yesterday I realized that I'd inadvertently spilled some of my cat's bright pink antibiotic on my cream colored linen sofa and when I went to grab the Folex I was met with a nearly empty bottle. Crisis! I happened to have a Shout wipe on hand and figured that would probably do the trick. WRONG. I should have remembered that cleaners like Shout may remove the stain but also tend to leave a ring around the area, almost like a sweat stain, that is often times worse than the original stain (check out this photo after using Shout and then promptly using Folex once that had dried).

Folex is sold at most hardware stores and grocery stores. I strongly recommend it for any house with animals, kids, people who entertain, or those of us prone to accidents. It's the best $9 investment you'll ever make. Really.

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