Smart Women Wardrobe-Purge: Tip-of-the-Day #24


Are you a fashion queen who still has clothes with tags on them hanging in the closet? Now’s the time to get creative and sell them online!

Amazon, Craigslist and eBay are three great places to start.

Just post a couple of good photos of what you’re selling and give as much information as possible. Sometimes I find it helpful to source the actual item from the store where I bought it because the picture is perfect and the description includes everything from materials used to actual dimensions.

Your old stuff will be new and exciting to someone else! And, you’ll make some money to spend on new stuff which is how I initially got started.

Tip: I use a free application called Photoshow to create "animated slideshows" of what I'm selling. You can embed the show on your auction page or your personal blog. It's a fun and eye catching way to feature your items more prominently.

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